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All ages
3h 38m

[Webinar] It's Just Food, Dude! (Science Edition)

by Ariella F. | Fun

5 Lessons 3:38:44
  1. 1. Lesson 1: Baking Soda Volcano 42:31
  2. 2. Lesson 2: Fake Snot Edible Slime 41:28
  3. 3. Lesson 3: Snap Crackle Jump! 44:04
  4. 4. Lesson 4: Plastic Milk 44:35
  5. 5. Lesson 5: Fool Your Tongue 46:06

All ages

3h 38m

NGSS Standards

About the course

Welcome to It's Just Food, Dude! (Science Edition). At the beginning of class each week, students will explore a different food science experiment guided by the scientific process. There will also be a component called Food Fight! where students will create their own food product based on marketing science. Students will work on their Food Fight! projects each week towards the end of class, and present on a volunteer basis during our final session. Students will learn how everyday kitchen items can be repurposed into fun and interactive science lessons.


  • Cooking
  • Food
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Science


Ariella is finishing up her senior year at Barnard where she will graduate with a BA in Economics. She has been tutoring for 6 years and works with students ranging in age from 6-20. While Ariella specializes in Economics, she has a strong sense of numbers and also tutors students in math. She has been tutoring with Gooroo since November 2019 and has taught Gooroo Live and Gooroo Courses in STEM topics as a result of her comprehensive liberal arts education.

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