About the course
Whales are incredible animals. They roam throughout the world's oceans - from the equator all the way to the polar ice caps; can weigh up to 200 tonnes (around thirty times heavier than an African elephant); and use sound to communicate, sometimes over vast distances of hundreds of miles.
However, over the past 150 years, mankind has devastated whale populations. Commercial whaling, entanglement in fishing gear and global warming are among the many threats that endanger these gentle giants.
Journey out to sea with marine biologist Laura Wells (and her expert friends) to learn about this diverse group of marine mammals and find out what we can do to protect them.
Take a deep breath and dive into the world of wonderful whales.
This course was produced in partnership with Itza Media and is part of the WWF Wild Wisdom Challenge. To find out about the Challenge and to explore some more amazing content, please visit: https://www.itza.io
Become a Whale Guardian!
Course overview
Meet Your Host: Laura Wells
Journey out to sea with marine biologist Laura Wells to learn about this diverse group of marine mammals.
Whale Diversity
Begin by learning about whale biology, behavior, physiology, and natural history.
What Makes a Whale a Whale
Laura examines humpback whales and identifies key characteristics of the unique creatures.
When Whales Walked on Land
Karl Frearson (Head of Science at Eton College) spotlights sperm whales - get ready for lots of amazing facts!
Know Your Baleens
Hear the song whales sing underwater.
Death by Bubbles
See how whales use bubbles and sound to trick their prey.
How Does a Sperm Whale Hunt
Look into the process and amazing use of echolocation.
The Whaling Industry
Explore the history of the relationship between man and whale.
Sperm Whales and Whaling
Investigate the devastation caused by 19th and 20th Century whaling and the impact this had on the entire ocean ecosystem.
1986 The Year Everything Changed
Examine the International Whaling Ban of 1986 and the positive effects it’s had on whale populations.
The Return of the Whales
Celebrate how whales have come back from near extinction in the last 40 years.
Why Do Whales Matter
Illegal whaling is still ever-present, but these mammals also now have to deal with plastic pollution, ship collisions and underwater noise pollution.
What Threatens Whales Today
Illegal whaling is still ever-present, but these mammals also now have to deal with plastic pollution, ship collisions and underwater noise pollution.
Threats to the North Atlantic Right Whale
WWF’s Aurelie Cosandey-Godin gives a case study on how mankind’s activities have affected the North-Atlantic right whale.
How to Save Our High Seas
Embrace your responsibility to restore and protect the ocean.
What You Can Do to Save Our Whales
Whales are helping us fight climate change by sequestering carbon.

Assess your learning with a quiz.
Laura is an Australian Environmentalist with degrees in Biology and Law and qualifications in Environmental management systems. Laura’s passion for the environment, love for the ocean and interest in facilitating climate change action has led her to become a positive role model, advocate and ambassador for change.