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Car Parts: How Cars Can Move You

by Sam Shah | Life Skills FREE

5 Lessons 52:50
  1. 1. Introduction & Engines 15:51
  2. 2. Transmissions 12:58
  3. 3. Vehicle Dynamics 10:32
  4. 4. Automotive Electronics 5:30
  5. 5. Chassis Components 7:59



NGSS Standards



About the course

Discover how you can be "moved" by cars and car parts. Cars are an essential part of everyone's life. For some, it's an appliance to move from Point A to Point B. For others, it's a point to express themselves and relax. Either character needs to have the basic understanding of how cars work and how to take care of them - After all, it's an investment you have for yourself. By understanding how cars work, you can prolong your investment, save money, and get more for what you paid for. This first course will give a basic introduction for the different systems in cars - (Engine, Transmission, etc).


  • Automobile
  • Cars
  • Design
  • Engineering
  • STEM


Hi - My name is Sam Shah. Cars have always been a passion of mine. Everything from detailing, to maintaining, and even modifying cars fascinates me. In fact, it's because of cars I chose to pursue a career in mechanical engineering. I currently work for a Fortune 500 company as an engineer. Prior to this, I worked at Honda R&D as a co-op. All the companies I have worked for have a strong sense of "teaching" and sharing knowledge. Even in high school & college, I tutored friends to help them prepare for exams, homework, etc. I want to inspire students to achieve their dreams, just as cars have done for me.

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